CAST – 12 main players
ALEX – Quarterback. He’s not a bad kid down deep, he’s just caught up in the whole “local sports hero” thing. He’s the leader of the Jocks and the most popular boy in school.
VINNIE/THE JET – Wide Receiver. He has a HUGE ego which really just masks an even bigger insecurity issue. He’s always running his mouth and likes to lord it over everyone who’s “not cool”. He is also very anti-religion.
WALTER – Running Back, overall a pretty good guy, class clown. He’s a Christian, but hides it well.
HAROLD/TRUNK – Left Guard. Before becoming a football starter he was the third member of the geek squad, then known as Goon.
SAM – Long time Christian. He’s mad at God because his dad, who is a Marine Chaplin, is always deployed. Sam is very quick witted and sure of himself; at this point in his life he just wants to be left alone, he’s not looking for trouble but he won’t back down either.
LARRY/ZIPIT – Very extroverted, He always says whatever comes into his head. He is almost as smart as he thinks he is, and isn’t shy about letting people know it. He runs his mouth constantly, which tends to annoy everyone, even his best friend DARRELL.
DARRELL/SPAZ – Very introverted, has incredible math and science skills. He can seem pretty normal until put on the spot…which means…talking to girls, confronted/teased by classmates, called on to answer in class, etc…at which point he begins to make weird gulping and stuttering sounds and his eyes kind of twitch and get very big and blinky.
NORMAN/LOON – Beyond shy, he never talks. He got his nickname from Walter because he reminded him of a “Loony Tunes” character.
PENELOPE – Captain of the Cheerleader Squad. She only recently accepted Jesus and is now overwhelmed with the need to “do something” about it, while her life just seems to be settling back into the same old rut. She is very smart, very pretty and just a ball of enthusiasm.
RITA – Cheerleader. She’s been Penelope’s best friend since grade school. She has a very strong personality and is quite outspoken. She also tends to lean toward “new age” spirituality and doesn’t understand Penelope’s new “obsession” with being a Christian.
MISTY – Cheerleader. She’s very sweet and quiet. She’s also a Christian but tends to be a little worldly in her outlook.
MS. CHADWICK – Lincoln High School Teacher. She is very competent but equally unorganized. She loves teaching and truly cares about her students.
What’s a girl to do? Penelope was never one to sit around and let everyone else do all the work, and that was back when she still thought the most important things in life were shoes and cheerleading. Now, two whole weeks after accepting Jesus as her Savior, everywhere she looks she sees her classmates wandering around oblivious to the fact that their very souls are in danger. What’s worse, the few Christians she does know don’t seem to be doing anything about it. Penelope is at her wits end and on the verge of giving up when she finds opportunity in the unlikeliest of circumstances–an emerging battle between the school’s jocks and the geeks. There are only two weeks left before the end of the school year but Penelope is determined that goodness and right will prevail, even if she has to single handedly drag everyone to salvation kicking and screaming along the way.