Me and My Walk

Walking with Jesus…

Walk’ may be a bit of an overstatement. There are better verbs available to describe my Christian journey…creep, crawl, shuffle, stumble and stray all come to mind. But, praise Him, God is ever faithful to lift me up, redirect my steps and light my way over, and over, and over again.

Bio Basics…


Not everyone is blessed to have a close-knit, loving family. I am, and they are my greatest joy this side of eternity. My wife, parents, brother, sister and all three of my children are numbered among my closest friends, while my grandchildren put a smile on my face every time I see them.

What I Believe…

  • God spoke and created EVERYTHING
  • Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior
    • He is the same yesterday, today and forever
    • He is the Word of God; living and active…piercing to the division of soul and of spirit…discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
  • Since the Word of God is Jesus Christ, the Word is inerrant and unchanging.
    • All scripture is inspired (God breathed) by the Holy Spirit.
    • Though Heaven and Earth will pass away, God’s Word will not
      • Men have tried, and will try, to corrupt the Word. but the only lasting result is drawing the wrath of God down upon themselves
  • Everyone is born into sin and doomed to everlasting Hell without the intercession of Jesus Christ through His saving grace
    • This grace is available to all, but only received through truly accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord of your life.
    • God doesn’t need any of us, but He wants all of us! (How incredible is that?!)

My Greatest Hope and Prayer…

That millions upon millions upon millions of more knees would bow before Christ returns. That seems more and more unlikely in these dark times…‘but with God, all things are possible!’