The doctor sighed and did one the hardest things a doctor has to do…he told Laurie and I that she had cancer.
And my world turned upside down…
I’m sitting here now thinking about how difficult that must have been for our doctor to give us that news–Doctors don’t get enough credit for the tough job they face everyday. I didn’t think about that when he said it. Honestly, I don’t remember thinking much of anything. I do remember thanking the doctor and trying to comfort my wife…who of course was busy comforting me. We both assured each other that God has this…and I’ve come to believe that more and more as the days go by. But I’ve also done a lot of thinking and reading–and rethinking and rereading. I know God has this…but how does He ‘have this‘? So with my world turned upside down, I stand here on my head and reread and rethink some more…and you know what? When you do that, those old familiar scriptures don’t mean quite the same thing anymore…
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 ESV
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4 ESV
I’ve always read these two, and many other similar scriptures–as ‘comfort passages’. They’ve been wonderful reassurances from God’s Word, confirmation that no matter how bad things seem, that God is with us and will be with us, through the storm. I’ve pulled them out many times for myself and shared them even more with others during their trials. And we have all been greatly comforted by them. But here’s the thing…as comforting as they are, I wasn’t delighted to find out my wife has cancer. You’re probably thinking, ‘of course not’. But the ‘joy’ in ‘count it all joy’ is best understood when translated as ‘delighting’. And then there’s this part…the thing all of us facing cancer storms, or their like, fear the most…what if we/they don’t make it through the storm? How does that version of ‘all things work together for good‘ make sense? Am I missing something here, Lord…or are You?
He’s not (of course)…I am was…
Way beyond simple words of comfort, those verses are also the HOLY WORD OF GOD, exact and unfailing. They are the TRUTH, without compromise. And a PROMISE, a covenant that will never be broken. Look hard at the actual, Spirit breathed, Word-by-Word meaning of these passages and they will change your perspective–at least they did mine, from the mortal/temporary point of view to one that is eternal and much more impacting.
Laurie loves God and she is called according to His purpose…and therefore all things–including cancer, are working together for her good, so that she may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing…NOTHING! That’s the promise…God’s PROMISE!
But for that promise to be fulfilled it takes trials, trials to build the steadfastness we need to become perfect, complete and lacking nothing. If there’s no trial…then there’s no steadfastness…without steadfastness, we have no chance of being perfect or complete…in which case, instead of lacking nothing, we can end up with nothing. So bring on the trials–and count them all joy. Plus, there’s one other huge aspect of looking at all of this through an eternal lens.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 ESV
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21 ESV
The trials and suffering we experience on this side of eternity aren’t even worth comparing to what’s to come…but they do effect what’s yet to come. Making sure we know what ‘treasures’ really are, and focusing on getting them where they need to go, that’s absolutely–and eternally critical. Stand on your head and look hard at this next scripture…
And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 ESV
I think it’s only natural for us to look at our trials…at the storms we face, as God’s way of training us up to be better prepared to handle this life. That’s true, and scripture testifies to it–I can only imagine the opportunities to minister to others that this trial will bring about for Laurie and me. But even beyond that…when we dare to look past the natural…to the supernatural…WOW. It takes my breath away when I realize what this life is truly about…we are being equipped for eternal service in the Kingdom of God. And nothing equips us better than a trial…especially those trials we most dread. As the Apostle Paul asks us, “Do you not realize that some of us will judge angels?” But sadly, others among us will barely make it into Heaven…smelling of smoke, but devoid of treasure. And then there’s the heart wrenching truth that many–most won’t even get past the judgement seat. We don’t get to know much about our resurrected lives, not yet, God has forbidden it. But it’s clear that this blink-of-an-eye life defines our roles and ability to serve on both sides of eternity. Here and now, God is still working upon us, we can still grow…there’s still time and opportunity to store up treasures in Heaven–not so after the day of Jesus Christ. Becoming the best man or woman–servant for the Lord that we can be, that has to happen now…while we’re still breathing. And the hard truth is…we need trials…many and great, to do it.
I’ve really been wrestling with this new eternal perspective…and it hasn’t been easy, but something happened the other night that helped me bring it into focus. I had a dream…I don’t know if God gave it to me directly, or if it happened because of all the praying and pondering I’ve been doing. But in any event, it was very enlightening and I thought I’d share it.
I find myself in a room, it seems endless, but it’s a dream so I can’t really make out any details beyond what I’m looking at. But I can tell that I’m not alone, there are other people in small groups doing things together all around…us–because I’m in a group too. I’m huddled together with some of my grandchildren. And like the rest of the groups, we’re working on something together…something that I know is very important. Important to my grandchildren and just as important to me.
Oddly what we’re working on is a doll. But it’s not just any old doll, she is a cherished possession–but she’s also damaged. The grandchildren and I are doing everything we can to fix her. It’s hard work–weigh your soul down hard, but we are striving with everything we have because we love the doll. We so much want to put her back the way she was and we feel inadequate to the task.
Then my eyes are drawn downward, to the pedestal the doll is standing upon. I see words written there…they are written in a language I can’t understand…but I know the words are important–more important than anything else in the world. And the weight that’s been sitting on my chest becomes almost unbearable. Not because the words are bad, without being able to read them I still know they are GOOD! It’s because of something else…there’s a new word forming beside them…it’s just starting to be etched in…and I realize that the unfinished word is the biggest reason we’re there–the word MUST be completed…and we can’t stop laboring until it is. Then I wake up.

As soon as my eyes opened I understood a lot more about the dream than when I was in it. I knew the doll was Laurie, and I realized that the work we were doing was praying…praying at first for her to be healed…and then for that oh so important ‘word’ to be completed. And I knew that God was there too, directing our ‘work’, but still using us to do the work–God can do anything without our help, but He almost never does–especially if we’re not praying (You do not have because you do not ask. James 4:2). And above all else, I understood that what was really going on was a faithful promise being kept–Laurie was undergoing a ‘good work‘–as another step in her completion!
I can–and do count it all joy for my beloved wife to go through a ‘trial’ like that–and I assure you, Laurie does too. And I cannot explain with mere words how delighted I am when thinking about the ‘word’ our Lord is busy adding to her eternal resume. Do I believe the Lord will deliver Laurie through this storm, that she will continue walking beside me in the years following it…yes, I believe! I’m confident the Lord has many more works and days planned for her–many more of his ‘words’ to be written upon her. But even if not, I wouldn’t take this from her–God knows best, and He is working all things together for her good. I also have to say that I think we’re all in that ‘room’ I dreamed about…surrounded by the people God has called in to pray for us, that we’re all being prepared–completed for the Day of Christ Jesus. Don’t you hope so too?
But for now it’s time for me to stop standing on my head, I need to get back on my knees where I belong…I’ve got a lot of people in that room counting one me…including my beautiful wife–there’s ‘work’ to be done.
He that began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it,
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